Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) [Hack by Golden Yoshi v1.0] (~SMW2+2 - Yoshi's Island)
Kaizo Mario World 3
Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev B)
Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World) (Rev A) [Hack by Team Lost Land v2.0] (~Sonic - The Lost Land 2)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Sonic Colors (Japan) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)
Mario Tennis (Europe)
Pokemon Trading Card Game (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
Super Mario 64 Sonic Edition Plus v1.1
Super Mario Land 2 - 6-tsu no Kinka (Japan) (Rev B)
Pokemon Link! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Super Mario Bros. (World) [Hack by Frank Maggiore v1.0] (~3rd Ultimate Super Mario Bros.) (SMB2J GFX)